Wednesday, November 11, 2009

our limitations can’t make me become surrender

pt mandiri

Mandiri Craft is one of the famous toy manufacturing industry at Bantul. It is located on Parangtritis Street KM 6,5 Cabean Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Its produts have been exported to European countries, especially Australia, Germany and also to the Asian region countries.

There is a special part from this business, that is its background. The background is so unique, for example when we see the workers, we will be surprised by the clasification of them. They are clasified by ‘difable’ (different ability people) community. Most of them are suffering since they gave birth, but some of them are caused by an accident and natural disaster (Yogyakarta, earthquake May 27, 2006). The earthquake caused many people death and injured. They, who still alive are suffering from disabilities, such as do not have legs and they have to use buffer to support their body. And the only thing that can be used to work is just their hands.

Although they have disabilities that makes their work are so limited, they want to show to us that disabilitis does not change their spirit to be a hard-worker. Their identity shows their self-confidence and it does not mean that they can not help each other. In contrast, their spirit make them so strong, strong and strong.









Also published in :
Fotokita National Geographic Indonesia and ViiPhoto

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tradisi Grebeg Syawal

ngalap berkah

Grebeg is one form of the existing tradition in Javanese society. In Yogyakarta, known as areas that still upholds the traditions and culture of Java, Grebeg has become an annual agenda of its own in the life of society. The main purpose Grebeg namely as a form of gratitude to God Almighty for what He has been given to us.


Grebeg only held three times a year. First, when the Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad SAW as the end of the party of the people, Sekaten, called Grebeg Mulud. Secondly when entering Shawwaal, referred to as Grebeg Ramadhan. And third, on 10 Dhu al-Hijjah, or the Big 10, which is known as Grebeg Besar.Arak Grebeg procession in this case usually starts from Grebeg Syawal Yogyakarta palace yard toward the plaza north and ends on page Masjid Gede Yogyakarta. In Grebeg there is something peculiar, namely the mountains. The mountain can contain the results of the earth, food, and so forth. Entering the front of the mosque is big, the mountains and then prayed. Once completed, it is awaited by society 'arrived. Ie, scramble the contents of these mountains, in Javanese term that is "ngalap berkah" which more or less in the Indonesian language means getting / looking for blessed. For certain people, the Javanese in particular, if we can reach / get the contents of the mountains are so supposedly we will get blessed. So normal that in every process "ngalap berkah" each person were all fighting to get the content in these mountains.

Shawwal Grebeg held on September 21, 2009 too. hundred of people crowded the route of the procession Grebeg Syawal. Both local and foreign tourists or the people of Yogyakarta itself. And the show presents something Grebeg always interesting to be seen and interpreted. That we as a people, need to be grateful that God has given us. Sigid Kurniawan

Langkah Prajurit

beda kelas

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jogja Fashion Week 2009

XL JFW 2009 Photoblog Competition
PhotobucketTitle : on stage
caption : seorang model sedang melakukan aksinya diatas panggung, 55 desainer ikut serta dalam JFW 09 yang digelar dari tanggal 5-9 Agustus 2009 dipagelaran Kraton Yogyakarta.

Jogja Fashion Week merupakan acara yang diadakan rutin setiap tahun. Acara yang mengusung fashion tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi dan UKM Propinsi DIY (Disperindagkop DIY) sebagai ajang pagelaran perkembangan fashion untuk mendukung promosi karya pelaku industri fashion di Indonesia maupun ruang apresiasi kreativitas masyarakat. JFW(Jogja Fashion Week) pertama kali diadakan pada tahun 2005 dan Jogja Fashion Week 2009 kali ini merupakan acara yang ke empat kalinya.

Pada tahun ini, pihak panitia penyelenggara mengambil tema Boedaya In Motion. Dalam arti bahwa perpaduan antara tradisi budaya di Indonesia diapresiasikan melalui pagelaran fashion dengan kolaborasi antara budaya lokal dan trend masa kini yang diharapkan mampu bersaing di pasar bertaraf internasional.

JFW 2009 kali ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 Agustus sampai 9 Agustus kemaren. Masih berlokasi halaman pagelaran Kraton Yogyakarta. Tak hanya pertinjukkan fashion show, Pada dalam acara ini digelar pula karnaval fashion yang mengambil rute dari kraton menuju jalan mataram – jalan Malioboro dan kembali lagi ke Kraton. Selain itu digelar pula pameran/ basar dari Instansi-instansi beserta UKM di Yogya ini. Pertunjukkan dan lombapun memeriahkan JFW kali ini. Masyarakat yang berdomisili di Yogyakarta pada khususnya dan luar yogyakarta pada umumnya antusias menikmati serangkaian acara Jogja Fashion Week 2009.

PhotobucketTitle : on stage
caption : acara pertunjukkan yang digelar selama 5 hari itu tak luput dari liputan baik dari para media dan fotografer.

PhotobucketTitle : pose
caption : seorang model sedang berpose dengan memakai busana rancangan salah satu desainer dalam acara Street Carnival yang merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Jogja Fashion Week 2009.

Title : on stage 2
caption : seorang model sedang beraksi diatas panggung dengan membawakan busana salah satu desainer dari Indonesia.

PhotobucketTitle : Light Of Beauty
caption : seorang model sedang beraksi diatas panggung dengan membawakan busana salah satu desainer dari Indonesia.
XL JFW 2009 Photoblog Competition

Teks dan Foto : Sigid Kurniawan,,cp : 08562558571

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pilihan dalam HIdup, Street Barber


Udin, 41 tahun merupakan seorang bapak 2 anak yang sehari-hari menjalani kehidupannya sebagai tukang cukur. Sudah 10 tahun ia menjalani profesi yang ia geluti sampai saat ini. Berbagai suka duka telah ia lalui. Ya berbekal sebuah niat untuk menafkahi keluarganya, ia memberanikan diri untuk menghela nafas ditengah kehidupan yang semakin sesak ini. “Saya akan melakukan perkerjaan apaun, asal halal dan cukup untuk memberi sesuap nasi untuk keluarga saya, karna dalam hidup itu kita diberi pilihan, apakah kita akan memilih untuk tetap diam menerima kondisi kita seperti ini atau memilih untuk berubah kearah yang lebih baik” ucap Udin yang sehari-harinya mencari rezeki sebagai tukang cukur bawah pohon beringin seputaran Alun-alun Utara Yogyakarta.






artikel dan foto diatas juga dimuar di :

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



one Sura night in Kraton Surakarta, few serveant, they called abdi dalem, and
peeress was talking each other.

Monday, July 27, 2009